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About National Garden Clubs, Inc.

At National Garden Clubs, we do more than just green your thumb. We connect you with people, plants, and programs that provide inspiration, information, and valuable resources.


The first known garden club in America was founded in 1891 by The Ladies Garden Club of Athens, Georgia. The Garden Club of America, established in 1913, was the first national federation of garden clubs, followed in 1929 by the National Council of State Garden Clubs, now National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC).

This organization now includes fifty state garden clubs and the National Capital Area, five thousand member garden clubs, and one hundred seventy-five thousand members. Additionally, NGC has sixty national affiliated organizations within the United States and nearly three hundred thirty international affiliated organizations. Their locations reach around the globe including: Canada, Mexico, South America, Bermuda, South Africa, Australia, and Japan.


National Garden Clubs, Inc. provides education, resources, and national networking opportunities for its members to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility.



The environmental mission of National Garden Clubs, Inc. is to review the environmental problems and their possible solutions, to promote environmental literacy and to advocate sound environmental stewardship. 


The emphasis on NGC's PLANT AMERICA project continues during the 2023-2025 administration. Take the time now to click on the links to your left and read more about this comprehensive plan to put "planting" back into garden club, with the help of a Grant Program to fund planting in communities nationwide. This is a major project, but it is not the only one. There are dozens of other ongoing NGC projects that are embraced by garden clubs in communities across the country, including here in Delaware. 

In the left column of this page, you will find a link to this organization's ongoing projects and many other pages on their website that relate to content on this website. We hope you find these useful.

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