Blue Star & Gold Star Memorials

Blue Star and Gold Star memorial markers honor members of the U.S. Armed Forces, an ongoing project of National Garden Clubs, Inc., that dates back to the 1940's. There are now nine Blue Star Memorial markers in Delaware, including one at the Memorial Garden for Families of the Fallen at Dover Air Force Base, the U.S. destination for fallen service members returning home to their grieving families.
Other Delaware Blue Star Memorials:
Salt Air Gardeners (Ocean View, 2022), Plantation Lakes Garden Club (2021), Gardeners by the Sea (Bethany Beach 2019), Bethany Beach, (Fenwick Island 2016), Spade & Trowel (Seaford 1981), Hoe 'n Hope (Delaware Memorial Bridge 2006), Elsmere and Garden Gate Garden Clubs (Milford 2013) and Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs (Smyrna 1997, Unknown 2006, Smyrna 2013).