2020 CAR-SGC Conference
Welcome to this Conference "hub" - where Conference Committee Chairs and members can find the latest updates and link to official forms they may want or need for conducting Conference business.
1. Where & When:
Dates: October 18-20, 2020
Where: The Rollins Center at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino.
Conference Registration: Begins May 2020 for full and daily registration.
Hotel: A block of rooms has been reserved at a special price for Conference Attendees (first come, first serve). Reservation will be accepted, beginning in January 2020. Hotel registration is not included in Conference Registration
2. Tentative Schedule:
Sunday, October 18 - TENTATIVE (Subject to Change)
CAR-SGC Executive Board Meeting
CAR-SGC Board Meeting
Registration Check-in, 1-5 p.m.
Flower Show Set-up (Flower Show Committee)
Flower Show Exhibits accepted (Must pre-register)
Flower Show Judges Reception (By Invitation)
Welcome Reception (Full Registered Attendees)
Leadership Dinner (By Invitation)
Flower Show Pre-Opening (Full Registered Attendees)
Note: Dining options available on-site and nearby
Monday, October 19 - TENTATIVE (Subject to Change)
Flower Show, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Vendor Marketplace, 12 - 6 p.m. (Accepting Vendor Application now)
Bus trip to Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek in Dagsboro, Delaware
2-3 Workshops
Happy Hour - Cash Bar
Dinner and Program (Speaker will be announced when contract is signed and in-hand)
Tuesday, October 20 - TENTATIVE (Subject to Change)
Round table discussion, 8 - 9 a.m.
Flower show (8 - 9 a.m.)
CAR-SGC Annual Meeting, 9 - 11:30 a.m.
Flower Show (Open to the Public)
Luncheon (Registered Attendees) and Design Luncheon - 12 - 2 p.m.
2-3 Workshops
Vendor Marketplace - 12 - 6 p.m.
Happy Hour - Cash Bar
Dinner and Program (Speaker will be announced when contract is signed and in-hand)
Committee Information:
Leadership Dinner: Connie Raymond
Pages: Elva Davidson
Photography: CHAIR NEEDED
Program Booklet; Margaret Woda, Chair - DelawareGardenClubs.org/contact
Program Speakers: Janet Point
Registrar: Ginny Cardona
Registration Bags: Debbie Darr
Vendors: Marie Van Der Wall
Open Vendor Letter
Open Vendor Agreement (PDF Fillable Format)